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Stefano Milioto
Last name Milioto
First name Stefano
Kennel Name None
Email address
Owner Of
Breeder Of LI98117150 ARGO 1998/03/20 Grey/Grigio
LI98117156 ELSA 1998/03/20 Brindle/Tigrato
LI98117157 FLORA 1998/03/20 Black/Nero
LI98117160 LAIKA 1998/03/20 Brindle/Tigrato
LI98117155 LAZZARO 1998/03/20 Brindle/Tigrato
LI98117161 LINA 1998/03/20 Brindle/Tigrato
LI98117159 RAISSA 1998/03/20 Black/Nero
LI98117152 REX 1998/03/20 Brindle/Tigrato
Added by canecorso